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don't quit

Should you give up?

October 18, 20233 min read

I was ready to quit.

One day I was hiking in the Lake District in England.

I was feeling tired and cold, and I wanted to quit.

Just picture this:

I’m at the bottom of what might as well have been Mount Everest🏔️ for me...

The wind is blowing, the cold rain is cutting my face like sharp iron blades, and my clothes have teamed up with the rain to make me feel like a walking popsicle🧊....

I am absolutely breathless trying to climb up the f**ing ridge...

I was so ready to give up, turn around and go back to our cottage to get cozy by the fireplace. 🔥

But I decided to push through instead. I. COULD. DO. THIS.


What would my hot-new-boyfriend think of me?

What would my PT say if he knew someone he trains 4 times every week is not even capable of hiking for a few hours??

No, I was not going to be a loser. I knew better. I kept going, rain-soaked and all. 

And guess what? The Universe decided to reward me.

The clouds parted, the wind dropped, the sun came out, and all of a sudden I felt like "Heidi on the mountains" (HINT: if you are an 80ies kid you know what I’m talking about!). 

I'm not telling you this story to show off my newly found epic hiking skills – believe me, I'd tripped on a rock just moments earlier! 😅 

No, I'm sharing this to remind you that life has a knack for serving up challenges that make quitting look like a tempting snack.

But here's the deal: YOU. CAN. DO. IT!! 💪🏻💪🏻

Think about your goals and dreams – the ones that light up your heart like a Christmas tree 🎄. When it gets tough, they're your North Star guiding you through the storm. No matter how silly or pointless you think they might be.

So, as always, I wrote this post to cheer you on, and remind you that quitting is not the solution (unless that thing/person/situation you want to quit is toxic and unhealthy for you - but that’s a topic for another email).

Following through and TAKING ACTION is!!

Keep pushing forward, chase your dreams like you're chasing down the last piece of a cake (or whatever it is that you love binging on), and trust that the sun is just playing hide-and-seek with you.

And if you ever need a pep talk or a boost of motivation, I got your back! 

Let's hop on a call, have a chat, and plot your path to success together. We'll tackle your challenges and whip up a game plan that'll leave you feeling like the superhero that you are! 🦸🏻‍♀️


Remember, the clouds might seem dark, but the rainbow 🌈 is waiting for you just behind the corner. You just need to open your eyes 🙂

Meanwhile… I’m sending you a virtual high-five ;) 🫸🏻 

Also!! These are two other ways I can help you immediately:

👉🏻👉🏻 Download my free Confidence Booster Playbook >> HERE

👉🏻👉🏻 Learn how Living in the Present can massively improve your life >> HERE

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