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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond our potential.”

- Marianne Williamson

Hi, my name is Chiara Galli.

I believe in infinite possibilities and the fact that each one of us has the power to claim what’s ours.

We are often scared of the unknown, we feel it’s easier to play in the safety of our comfort zone, we fear judgment from our friends and families… and we lose sense of direction, so we end up suffering from decision paralysis and are even more discouraged by societal constraints.

We need external validation, and we suffer from lack of self-worth.

As women, we always feel we need to prove something to someone… so we stay stuck and miserable in our current role,

rather than daring to dream big and act upon those dreams.

We’ve been programmed to put our head down and work hard in the corporate world, stay in our lane,

don’t dare, don’t be vulnerable, don’t speak up.

Or else we might lose that person’s approval. Our family’s love. Our job.

Sometimes though, we also reach a place where the only thing we want to do is to scream:

“that’s enough! I can’t take this shit anymore. I’m ready to do everything it takes to change.”

If this is where you’re at right now… I’m your gal!

dark haired woman in black t-shirts smiling
dark haired woman in black t-shirts smiling

Hey, I'm Chiara!

I grew up in Italy but have lived my entire corporate life between big cities in the UK and the Middle East.

For the past 15 years I have worked in digital advertising and corporate sales, constantly being an over achiever, managing people’s expectations, and mentoring teams.

Back in 2012 I attended a Tony Robbins' seminar where I quickly realised how much was missing from my life, how I was living a life that was not mine, dictated by the expectations of society around me.

I wasn’t happy. I was negatively impacting the people around me that loved me. And I didn’t know what to do.

I just knew that I was dying inside.

It was a long, painful, tearful, yet insightful and rewarding journey, especially when I decided to do anything it’d take to get my shit together and change my life.

How I went from “super successful, corporate, overworked sales director” to

“truly fulfilled and purpose-aligned free-spirited career coach” who helps hundreds of women

become confident, empowered leaders

It took me ages to get where I wanted because I didn’t have:

  • The right guidance
  • Crystal clarity on what I wanted
  • A clear plan with a timeline
  • Small achievable goals
  • An accountability buddy
  • The confidence that I was doing the right thing

I was ready to do and pay for anything it would take to get me out of my rut... so I hired a coach, and THAT, my dear, was the turning point!

Things started shifting because she helped me find the courage to speak my mind, voice my needs, take the leap of faith I needed, and focus all my energies to get to my end goal.

I tried and tested on my own skin what works and what doesn’t, and I created my own Invincible Method, so that when we start working together, you do not have to go through the same hardship, and can remove any obstacles much FASTER than I did!

My Professional Background

I trained and certified as Professional Co-Active Coach® with the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI CPCC),

which is widely recognised as the oldest and largest coach training organisation in the world offering the most rigorous certification program in the industry.

I am also accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF ACC).

Their method focuses on finding a balance between the ‘being’ and the ‘doing’, taking you through a deep inner connection with yourself, asking powerful questions, listening, and empowering the client.

I combine it with my unique 15+ years experience as an expat living between big cities in the East and the West,

climbing the career ladder as #1 sales leader and sought after mentor by aspiring talent in various organisations.

man and woman sitting at a small table with water on stage speaking

I am also a certified vinyasa yoga teacher (RYT200 and RPYT) through Yoga Alliance and have been teaching yoga since 2016.

You can even have a look at my yoga blog here if you're interested in the benefits of yoga and living a healthy lifestyle.

If you're ready to become a roaring lioness that no longer doubts her abilities and decisions, and turns into an empowered leader who accomplishes things she never believed possible, you’re on the right page!

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been working for just a few years, or you’re a seasoned corporate professional,

a single woman in the city, or a working mom of three.

If there's something in your job that you're unhappy with and want to change

(feeling stressed, not good enough, micromanaged, frustrated...), I’m here for you!

So, coming back to you…

Do you want to stop feeling so overwhelmed at work?

Do you need the courage to push back and say NO when needed?

Are you ready to reignite the passion for your job, put an end to being micromanaged, and turn into an empowered leader?

I’ve worked with so many women who have made a radical shift in their career and improved their approach to work.

Following my empowering, down-to-earth and personal approach, my clients have overcome whatever

obstacles they thought they had.

If they made it through to the other side...

so can you!

I can support you making powerful changes in your professional life so you can

ditch the doubt and welcome roaring confidence.

I will give you the exact step by step formula to find:

  • The courage to push back and voice your own needs
  • The motivation to keep going and get even more shit done :)
  • The exact method to move from "doubtful" to "confident"

My coaching is focused on YOU, so you can gain the clarity on the exact steps you need to make a lasting change,

and together we focus on creating the New You.

I love sooo much witnessing the transformation in women who, after reaching rock bottom,

dust themselves up and get back in the saddle (as Shakira would say!), so they can conquer the world.

What I know for a fact is that YOU ARE BRAVE, and can achieve anything you want.

Be it a promotion, a better relationship with your boss, a new leadership position,

or simply a more self confident and more magnetic version of you.

Together we dig deeper, transform perspectives, and create step-by-step action plans. And we follow through!

You’ll wonder “How the heck are you going to help me exactly?”

dark haired woman sitting at desk thinking with white glasses by her mouth

Here’s a list of some of the tools we’ll use:

  • Values assessment to really get clarity on what’s important for you, a.k.a. your #1 goal

  • Self limiting beliefs deep analysis to overcome those roadblocks that have been pulling you back and had you operating from a place of fear

  • 1:1 co-active coaching and accountability sessions where you and I get on calls to get closer and closer to your goals

  • Mindset shifting techniques so you can write your next chapter with the courage to be the real, strong and powerful You

You will feel supported and empowered in every step of your transformation.


Still want more proof? Here’s some of the nice words that my clients have said after working with me:

“Chiara helped me set clear goals that resonate with my values”

Working with a coach, for me, means digging deeper into your mind, so that you can easily achieve your goals and not fall off track.

Chiara helped me set clear goals that resonate with my values.

I was asked questions that I would never ask myself, and when I found the answers to them, I understood that this was the whole point of growth.

I would definitely recommend working with Chiara as she has an excellent approach to people.


“If you are not sure about finding your path… she is the right person to speak to”

I was stuck in my comfort zone, overworked, stressed and dreading getting out of bed every morning. I was hating myself for allowing this to happen to me.

When I was presented with the opportunity to transition to a new job, I was scared of making the wrong decision: what if I didn’t like the new environment?

Without actually giving me any advice, Chiara was able to give me confidence in my decision...

I am now loving the new job I accepted :)

If you need to make a change and need to figure things out... she is the person you should speak to right now!


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