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“I now know how to grow in my job and achieve my personal life goals”

I decided to hire a coach to get some guidance to know more about who I am and my true potential.

I had never worked with a coach before. It was a good adventure, a thorough introspection and global reflection on my whole self. I really appreciated it.

With Chiara’s help, I’ve discovered exactly what I really want, what really matters to me, so that I can now work towards how to grow in my job in order to achieve my personal life goals, step by step.

Wouldn’t it feel great if you woke up passionate about your job every day?

People always come to me and say:

"I hate my job but I’m scared to leave because I don’t know how much money I’m going to make..."

"I know I’m not in the right job but I have no idea of how to switch industries because I’ve been doing this for over a decade..."

So how can I help you?

I've helped many women quit a job they hate...

I've helped many others stay in a job that they didn’t think they loved, because they found fulfilment in transitioning to another department or role...

I've helped ambitious she-preneurs kick start their business...

You name it!

What matters is that they've all found the happiness and fulfilment they were looking for, because with my guidance they've reshaped their mindset and found their own way to stay true to their core values. This is what coaching is about my friend!



Get started with my top 25 checklist for

what a Virtual Assistant can do for you!

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Explain in a brief sentence or two, what these packages include and how you can help.


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Close your eyes and visualise this for a moment…

How awesome does it feel to be able to do what you're passionate about...?

What’s that new feeling when you wake up in the morning...?

I’m here to support you making powerful decisions about the direction of your career, so you can live according to your true potential.

My ultimate goal is to help you get clarity on your next steps,

so you can be exactly where you’re supposed to be.

If this sounds like what you need, schedule a free intro call below so we can discuss what’s right for you.

Through personalised 1:1 coaching sessions,

I can work with you in a myriad of ways,

depending on where you are in your journey.

“An experience that can truly prove transformative if you give yourself the permission to try”

Chiara was recommended by a friend that spoke highly of how insightful her sessions were. Still, I thought I wouldn’t find much new that would surprise me… I couldn’t have been more wrong!

I’m now on a journey of being more self-centred, less self-patronising and doubtful, and overall I feel more empowered and intentional about my decisions, personal or career related.

I’ve been struggling with self-doubt and classical blues since childhood and, being a self-analytical woman, I was quite skeptical about hiring a coach.

But soon I discovered that there is a lot of value in having someone relatable with life experience like Chiara, cheering for you and allowing you to be vulnerable in the safe place she co-creates with you.

An experience that can truly prove transformative if you give yourself the permission to try!

- Dominika, prague

“I was quickly able to go through the blocks and I was back ‘on my game’ the next day”

I wasn’t progressing fast enough and wasn’t getting the results that I expected. I came to you feeling cranky, angry and wobbly about my business, and I wanted to talk through that.

I didn’t have any hesitation: after having had a conversation with you previously, I knew that you could hold space for my emotions, and help me work through them.

You asked me a question and all of sudden it hit me, some of my old triggers about business being a struggle, hard and taking up all of my free time, came rushing back to me.

Our conversation brought that to light. And I’m so thankful, because I was quickly able to go through the blocks and I was back ‘on my game’ the next day.

Also, I liked your energy and the chemistry of our conversation.

I think anyone stuck in their job should absolutely reach out to Chiara: she will help you figure out where and why you are stuck, so you can get past those blocks, and keep the momentum going.

You won’t regret it!

- jodi, new york

“She helped pull answers out of me that I didn’t even know I had!”

I knew I needed some support so that I could see things clearer.

I was super nervous about what to expect, but Chiara made me feel completely supported and at ease.

She helped pull answers out of me that I didn’t even know I had!

Besides, her sessions are varied and I truly look forward to them and what I might learn next.

- rebecca, london


For the past 15 years I have worked in corporate sales, constantly being an over achiever, managing people’s expectations, and mentoring teams.

Back in 2012 I attended a seminar where I quickly realised how much was missing from my life. How I was living a life that was not mine, mainly dictated by the expectations of society around me.

It took me many mistakes, a divorce and a dog to get where I am today... and the tears I’ve poured!

I wasn’t happy. I was negatively impacting the people around me that loved me. And I didn’t know what to do. I just knew that I was dying inside...

It was a long, painful, yet insightful and rewarding journey, especially when I finally decided to do anything it’d take to get my shit together and change my life.


These could be your blog posts, articles, videos or podcast episodes.


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